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  • Highlights of a program of PATINFO2020, a major European German-speaking patent information online conference, June 17-19, 2020 (registration is closed)
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  • Highlights of a program of PATINFO2020, a major European German-speaking patent information online conference, June 17-19, 2020 (registration is closed)

Highlights of a program of PATINFO2020, a major European German-speaking patent information online conference, June 17-19, 2020 (registration is closed)

  • 17 Jun 2020 8:59 AM
    Message # 9042673

    PATINFO2020, a major  European German-speaking patent information meeting,  is the annual, 42nd Colloquium of the Ilmenau University of Technology on Patent Information and Intellectual Property Rights is taking place online from June 17 to June 19, 2020 and focused on “Market success by smart IP strategy”. (A registration has been closed Jun.10, 2020)

    The conference program consists of 15 lectures and offers 18 workshops. Below are selections of several lectures and workshops which could be of particular interest of  patent information professionals. (All but few materials which were originally in German, and  translated using GoogleTranslate. Some background information and links to company materials/web-sites has been added to workshop abstracts).


    ·       Patent information from the EPO as part of an IP strategy. European Patent Office, Vienna, AT

    ·       Using Intellectual Property Information for Business Intelligence research. Marks & Clerk LLP, Birmingham, UK (originally in English)

    ·       The US-China trade dispute: European companies in a dilemma? How patent solutions can help deal with trade disputes. Clyde & Co, Shanghai, CN

    ·       Systematic patent assessment to secure a patent strategy. Questel SAS, Cologne

    ·       The new expiry and nullity proceedings at the German Patent and Trademark Office. German Patent and Trademark Office, Munich

    ·       Advanced patent monitoring through artificial intelligence. Dennemeyer Octimine, Munich

    ·       Protection of the corporate IP strategy through sound research - experience from research practice / FIZ Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe

    ·       Patent statistics and analysis for competition observation. European Patent Office, Vienna, AT



    Austrian Patent Office.(Österreichisches Patentamt, ÖPA)

    Title: Espacenet - NEW in practice:
    Speaker: Schlechter Burkhard
    Abstract: This workshop provides tips for the sensible use of the individual search masks (Smart Search, Advanced Search, Classification Search), paying particular attention to the various options and functionalities of the Advanced Search. Recommendations for handling the "Query Builder" are given to carry out more complex search queries, and options for refining a search are shown by filtering the list of results.

    Note: New Espacenet Advanced Search and Query Builder is also discussed in EPO Academy recorded webinar New Espacenet: Advanced features (January 2020),


    European Patent Office (EPO)

    Title: Focus on Asia: Monitoring of Prior Art and legal status events

    Speaker: Jürgen Mühl

    Abstract: …The focus of this workshop is the monitoring of property rights of the three leading destinations China, Japan and Korea. The focus is on:

    • monitoring new patent applications, e.g. from certain competitors or in specific technical areas.

    • Monitoring and analysis of legal status events. Is the property right still in force? How and how long can the applicant react to a rejection? What options do you have to challenge the granted property right?

    The workshop includes important background information from the patent laws and grant procedures as well as a practical focus with research in the new Espacenet and in the databases of the Asian offices.

    Note: For a background information, see Jürgen’ and Ms. Straková’, both members of EPO's Asian patent information services, presentation on EPO Patent Information Conference 2019: What has happened in Asia ... and what it means for you (Presentation). See also recorded webinars of EPO Academy on patent information of China,  Japan (both November 2019) and Korea (December 2019).


    European Patent Office (EPO)

    Title: Analysis of competitors' patent portfolios using EPO tools

    Speaker: Johannes Schaaf

    Abstract: With a focus on the new Espacenet, this hands-on workshop will work with the participants on how the EPO products can be used to examine the competition's patent portfolio. Based on the analysis of individual patents, the statistical filter functions are explained in order to identify the most important actors, their registration strategy and technology orientation. It will also be demonstrated how more complex analyzes with GPI and PATSTAT e.g. enable deeper insights into the annual fees or citation rate and contribute to the development of comprehensive patent knowledge.

    Note:  New Statistical filter functions are discussed in at EPO Academy webinar New Espacenet: Advanced features (January 2020), from 54:47 to 57:30, see attached screenshot (at 57:15 with generated charts or graphs for citation analysis) (or see  a  short fragment (13s from 1:22)  from a New Espacenet promo). Another EPO Academy webinar is discussing PATSTAT online (February 2020).


    europatent GmbH (a website translation)

    Title: Patent information rethought: AI & IP - The personal IP Assistant

    Speaker: Wolf ‐ R. von Gartzen, Dr. Ralf Schönmeyer
    Abstract: In this workshop we take you on the exciting journey of our current and future developments, in which we use patented new technologies and methods to comprehensively and individually evaluate patent information.
    The central guiding principles for this are the following questions:
    • How does an AI learn to efficiently recognize the briefs[or property rights,
    Schriftsätze] relevant to you or your company?
    • What level of quality can be achieved with regard to information security?
    • How can changes in competitors be observed and new technology trends identified?
    We invite you to discuss our experiences and concepts with your ideas, ideas and requirements and to further develop them together.


    FIZ Karlsruhe GmbH (Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure)

    Title: Chemical information à la carte - a menu of tips and tricks for the efficient search for chemical structures in STN®
    Speaker: Hanka Haber, Basim Rahman, Sebastian Brauch
    Abstract: STN combines databases from CAS®, Clarivate Analytics and Elsevier®, the world's leading providers of chemical information, on one platform, and thus represents the most comprehensive source for researching high-quality chemical information. This is due to different regional and temporal coverage of the individual Databases crucial for the most complete research possible, e.g. as part of an FTO research. The aim of the workshop is to give the participants an overview of the available relevant databases and the research options. After a brief introduction to the basic search strategies for the search for chemical substances, we will use an example to discuss the research in the databases CAS REGISTRY®, DWPI Chemistry Resource and ReaxysFileTM, and examine the respective advantages of the individual sources. We also deliberately address possible pitfalls and present useful tips that make your research even more efficient.


     German Patent and Trade Mark Office(DPMA, Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt)

    Title: DEPATISnet and DPMAregister - innovations, tips and tricks

    Speaker: Isabella von Dosky, Zora Fotiadou

    Abstract: In this online presentation, the staff of the German Patent and Trademark Office show innovations in the databases and give tips and tricks for research in DEPATISnet and DPMAregister. You are welcome to send your questions to



    Title: Quality of patent databases - a quantitative view

    Speaker: Alexander W. Giesen

    Abstract: Commercial patent databases have a considerable amount of data and numerous complex functions. However, quantitative approaches to assessing the quality of patent databases have so far been lacking, particularly with regard to the quality and completeness of the data sets. The workshop presents approaches and results of evaluations, whereby the strengths and weaknesses of individual databases are discussed across the product from the user's perspective and on the basis of objective criteria.



    Title: Collaborative patent monitoring for optimal collaboration between the patent department and R&D

    Speaker: Viktor Rudolf & Dr. Philipp Wallraf

    Abstract: In times of globalization and increasing patent applications worldwide, the systematic monitoring of competitors and technologies is becoming increasingly important. The IamIP platform offers a modern and digital environment for recording, evaluating and transparently processing your relevant third-party protection rights.

    You will learn in our workshop

    - Simple and intuitive research of relevant patents

    - Designing digital collaboration in the process of recording and evaluating third-party rights

    - Simple and dynamic integration of all relevant departments, especially R&D

    - Design of modern workflows for every company size

    - Risk minimization along the entire value chain

    - Continuous tracking of relevant changes in legal status

    - Effective use of a self-created knowledge database

    - Analysis and graphic representation of the recorded data


    ip-search / Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI)

    Title: Custom-made research report: Continue where we left off
    Speaker: Frank Langlotz
    Abstract: The results of a patent search must be further analyzed by our customers and summarized and evaluated for their own client. In the workshop, the participants learn how ip-search supports its customers in these steps. Results can be prepared and presented by us in such a way that you, the customer, can continue your analysis where we left off. A perfect interface helps you to reach your goal efficiently and without additional effort by getting our results in the form you prefer. The workshop concludes with an outlook on how we continuously adapt our research reports to the needs of our customers and technological developments.

    Note: ip-search is a service of the IPI, Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property. On its webpage ip-search outlines its search repots with hierarchically organized structured results.



    IP7 Technologies GmbH

    Title: The strengths of research, monitoring and workflow combined in a modern solution - the IP7 Compass

    Speaker: Alexander Wagner

    Abstract: The IP7 Compass is a unique patent monitoring and research system that was developed by an experienced team of IP developers using the latest technologies. Our system is based on our own worldwide patent database with more than 120 million documents from over 100 countries, which is updated weekly and contains not only the patent data but also legal status information and machine translations from many countries. Our modern software architecture supports you in the implementation of various tasks in the area of patent work.

    In our workshop we show you in a practical way:

    - How you can process several searches in parallel by using research projects, access carried out and archived searches at any time and update results even after a long time

    How to map your individual workflow in the company in our system and create monitoring tasks that your colleagues can quickly and conveniently process:

    o Automation of search profiles

    o Distribution and classification of patents

    o Assessment and commentary

    o Evaluation of the relevant documents

    o Family and legal status monitoring

    - Which applications we make available to you and for which user groups these are suitable in order to ensure acceptance in the company

    - How to control access to your data and protect it from unauthorized access with intelligent rights management

    We are also pleased to be able to present many new functionalities and improvements to the IP7 Compass as part of the workshop.


    Kramer + Hofmann (G.E.I. KRAMER & HOFMANN mbH)

    Title: News about XPAT and the question "What actually happens AFTER monitoring"

    Speaker: Andreas Hofmann

    Abstract: XPAT is known to be the tool that can represent an effective patent circulation in numerous variants. This additional information provides each processed data record with improved, company-specific and more meaningful information than the “naked” online document. If documents were in circulation and were processed accordingly, then one wants to consult about them in and with the patent department. This is done by XPAT IPMEET, the meeting tool in XPAT for IP. Plan meetings, invite participants, save comments, distribute tasks and monitor their execution. And with the appropriate permission, you can also see in the XPAT document at which meetings this document was the subject of discussion. An all around successful thing. There is also further news about XPAT.


    Title: The new PatBase - What users can expect from the new search engine.
    Speaker: Jochen Lennhof
    Abstract: We are pleased to present the effects of the new search engine on performance, new search options and commands as well as analyzes. Using a few selected examples, we present how you can continue to use Patbase, the optimal research and analysis tool, for your daily work.

    Note: Microsoft is also offers monthly  PatBase News webinar, which discusses changes or updates to existing PatBase functionalities, and  New tools or features added to the system


    PATON (Patent Center Thuringia (Landespatentzentrum Thüringen) at the Technische Universität Ilmenau)

    Title: Patent information and research in Eastern Europe with a focus on Russia
    Speakers: Christoph Hoock, Bettina Töpfer, Heike Schwanbeck and Kerstin Zerbe
    Abstract: As part of the workshop, we will give you an overview of our company's services, in particular information on research and analysis, as well as seminars and advanced training courses for patent engineers / managers or patent researchers.
    The specialist lecture from the area "Research and Analysis" deals with special features of searches for property rights from Eastern Europe. Various sources are presented and research options are explained

    Note : This workshop is related to a regular course of PATON Academy S-20-13 “Patent searches for Eastern European property rights”


    Title: Support for patent research through semantics, categorization and evaluation
    Speaker: Roland Gissler, Daniel Ovadya
    Abstract: N/a

    Note: See the company information for Orbit Intelligence, business intelligence software for powerful patent searching and analysis.


    SAM (SAM – Standards and More… GmbH & Co. KG)

    Title: Assessment using Artificial Intelligence (AI) - invention reports with state-of-the-art assessment and the role of non-patent literature and defensive publications

    Speaker: Timo Kandler

    Abstract: In a global environment, companies want to get patent protection quickly. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help improve the current innovation process, reduce outsourcing costs and document your findings.

    Engineers or patent engineers should be able to create a short-term evaluation of new ideas and the associated state of the art, or have a team evaluate new ideas. AI in InnovationQ Plus supports the review process in quickly prioritizing what used to take weeks and which required many different data sources. With these preparations, you can hold sound discussions during the patent examination.

    Ideas that are not suitable candidates for filing patent applications can be considered for defensive publication in the Prior Art database. This is the oldest and largest online defensive publishing service, with over 20 years of defensive publishing experience.

    Note: InnovationQ Plus, an intuitive prior art database, which includes patent and IEEE sources, has been developed by They offer a video and 2017 webinar about the product, along with other information

    WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)

    Title: In depth overview of PATENTSCOPE

    Speaker: Sandrine Ammann

    Abstract: Discover how to make the most of the advanced search features, the chemical structure features and the translation tools in PATENTSCOPE. The interface released in September 2019 will be shown in details.

    PATENTSCOPE, the free of charge patent document search system of the World Intellectual Property Organization, contains over 83 million of patent documents: published PCT applications and national/regional collections from 60 offices.  (originally in English)

    Note: There a number recorded PATENTSCOPE webinars overlapping in content withthis workshop, for example: PATENTSCOPE For Experts (March 12, 2020, video & presentation), Translation Tools Available In PATENTSCOPE (May 7, 2020, video & presentation), Chemical Searches In PATENTSCOPE (April 23, 2020, video & presentation)

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