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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.

The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.  The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

PIUG 2007 Northeast Conference

Overview | Program | Presentations (Members-only) | Sponsors | Travel | Workshops |

Monday, October 8 to Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hyatt Regency New Brunswick
2 Albany Street
New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA 08901
Tel: +1 (732) 873-1234, Fax: +1 (732) 873-1382


Monday, October 8 – 9:00am - 4:00pm

STN Patent Forum – Detailed agenda, descriptions, and link to the registration page is available at

Wednesday, October 10 – Morning

  • Fiz-Karlsruhe: "The USPTO Genetic Sequence Database, USGENE, on STN" (Rob Austin) – more information below
  • Questel: "Questel Search & Workflow Enhancements" – more information below
  • Barry Brager, Perception Partners: "Rapid Automated Patent Analysis to Impress Your Managers and Clients".  This workshop is fee-based.  Registration can be done along with the conference registration – more information below.
  • TEMIS: "Luxid®: Applying Text Analytics to the Patent Literature to Gain Competitive Insight" – more information below
  • Thomson Scientific: "What's New From Thomson Scientific for Patent Searchers" covering:
    • "Searching the Newly-Reloaded Inpadoc on Dialog"
    • "Data Analysis and Visualization: Some case studies"
    • "Patents on Thomson Pharma"
    • "DWPI Process Flow"
    See abstracts below. Registration information and schedule are at

Wednesday, October 10 – Afternoon

  • Fiz-Karlsruhe: "INPADOCDB on STN" (Terri Dockter) – more information below
  • GenomeQuest: "Best practices in Sequence Patent Search and Analysis" (Laurent Wiart) – more information below
  • Minesoft: "PatBase" – more information below
  • Questel: "Questel MMS User Forum @ PIUG" – to register, send email to Mike Hames at mhames @
  • Thomson Scientific: "What's New From Thomson Scientific for Patent Searchers" – a repeat of the morning presentation.
    See abstracts below. Registration information and schedule are at

Registration information and links for all workshops will be forthcoming on this workshop page.

These links will bring up Word documents for the Sponsorship Agreement and Workshop/Exhibitor Agreement. Each provides critical information and a form to be returned to Andrienne Shanler.

Contact Adrienne Shanler of PIUG if there are questions concerning workshops and exhibits at the PIUG 2007 Northeast Conference.  Adrienne's phone number is 845-602-5057 or send email to her at ShanleA @

Workshops – Detailed Descriptions and Registration Information

Fiz-Karlsruhe: "The USPTO Genetic Sequence Database, USGENE, on STN"

Wednesday, October 10, 2007; 10:00am - Noon

Presenter: Robert Austin, FIZ Karlsruhe Inc

The USPTO Genetic Sequence Database, USGENE (, was released on STN in July 2007. USGENE is a new resource that encompasses all available nucleotide and amino acid sequences available from relevant USPTO issued (granted) patents and published applications. The database is updated within 7 days of USPTO publication and includes patent sequence dating back to 1982. USGENE brings together several disparate sources of USPTO sequence data with key elements of bibliographic and full-text data to provide a unified platform where patent searchers can seamlessly combine sequence, date, and patent claims text searching. In this session, the methodology and sources for creating USGENE will be outlined, along with examples of how this invaluable resource should be utilized by patent information professionals. The workshop will be of interest to novice, intermediate and expert STN patent sequence searchers.


Fiz-Karlsruhe: "INPADOCDB on STN"

Wednesday, October 10, 2007: 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Presenter: Terri Dockter, FIZ Karlsruhe Inc


INPADOCDB (INternational PAtent DOCumentation DataBase) was released on STN in April 2007, replacing the former INPADOC file, and combines the DOCDB and Inpadoc Legal Status (PRS) Services of the EPO into a single unified database. INPADOCDB contains the bibliographic and family data of patent documents and utility models from 80 patent-issuing organizations, dating back to 1836 and contains more than 63 million patent publications. Bibliographic data in the file are enhanced with abstracts in several languages, patent and non-patent citations, and the original published numbers in addition to the standardized patent numbers. In this workshop you will learn recipes for making efficient use of the various new and enhanced search and display features of INPADOCDB on STN, including how to benefit from FIZ Karlsruhe's value-added editorial input to the database. The workshop will be of interest to novice, intermediate and expert STN patent searchers.

GenomeQuest: "Best practices in Sequence Patent Search and Analysis"

Wednesday, October 10, 2007; Noon - 2:00pm (lunch served)

It's not enough to just have access to biological sequence patent information, it's a matter of saving time and money by implementing a process that optimizes the output. Data sources are scattered and incomplete, search algorithms are difficult to use and unpredictable, result analysis is time-consuming and error prone. We will discuss examples of the methods companies can use to overcome the obstacles associated with searching sequences through the use of a best practices approach. We have implemented this best practice approach inside of our GenomeQuest solution. With GenomeQuest we provide easy access to all relevant sequence databases. We make use of a single, user-friendly, web interface based on search strategies rather than algorithms, thereby enabling the user to quickly create reports with only relevant results.

Speaker: Laurent Wiart, GenomeQuest, Inc., Application Scientist

Link to registration:

Minesoft: "PatBase"

Wednesday, October 10, 2007: 1:30pm - 2:30 pm

PatBase – Search and display using custom display format with intelligent text highlighting, advanced text highlighting, Key Word In Context (KWIC) text highlighting, and folder text highlighting.

This workshop is designed for new and existing PatBase users covering search and display features of this full text family based database with intelligent color text highlighting of search terms. Searching full text data from six issuing authorities combined with 4 major patent classification systems within a single database environment offers searchers greater possibilities from the start, however understanding the file structure is an important first step to formulating an effective search strategy. PatBase is a patent family database covering data from 70 issuing authorities and has been designed for professionals by professional patent searchers.

Presenter: Phil Ostanock

Phil has eight years experience in the patent information industry with Questel.Orbit and Minesoft. Phil currently works as a Business Manager for Minesoft and is responsible for sales and support of all Minesoft's products in North America.

Link to registration:

Questel: "Questel Search & Workflow Enhancements"

Wednesday, October 10, 9:00am - noon

Presenters: Joe Terlizzi, IP Specialist; Elliott Linder, North American Sales Manager

Register: send email to Mike Hames at mhames @

This workshop will concentrate on two exclusive services available on Questel, the QPAT Service and the Merged Markush Service (MMS), and will be divided into two parts.

The first part of this workshop will cover the new features and enhancements recently released with QPAT v.6. This latest version contains many workflow enhancements that will make patent searching more efficient and cost-effective for both professional searchers and end-users. QPAT contains numerous unique features, including the FamPat database, exclusive to Questel, many full-text patent databases, a document ordering portfolio, and patent examination and analysis tools. New enhancements to version 6 will be reviewed.

The latter part of the session, beginning at 10:30 AM, will describe best practices useful for making MMS searching and workflow management more efficient. Managing search results from numerous sources, storing search queries and compound number sets, setting up alerts, and analyzing and comparing chemical indexing in patent documents and query results are a few of the topics that will be discussed.

Attendees are welcome to attend either part of this workshop or the entire workshop.

Perception Partners: "Rapid Automated Patent Analysis to Impress your Managers and Clients"

Wednesday, October 10, 2007; 8:00am - noon

Registration for this fee-based workshop can be done along with the conference registration.

Patent information analysis is conducted for a number of purposes. While some objectives are purely technical or legal in nature, many relate to business issues likely to affect financial and market risk. Patent data specialists are often called upon to present analysis of these issues to managerial decision-makers, not all of who may be aware of (or concerned with) the nuances of thorough patent analysis.

In this workshop, participants will be introduced to patent analysis approaches designed to please senior and executive management. Subject matter will be related to extracting and communicating business insights from patent data, and functional focus will center on:

  • Automation of analysis tasks using Vantage Point/Thomson Data Analyzer, Excel and other tools
  • Efficient assessment of patent quality and trends using common data sources.
  • Simplicity of communication using basic presentation tools.

Format will include lecture, demonstration and group activity. By the end of the workshop, takeaways will include new approaches to:

  • Increasing speed and use of patent analysis to address business issues.
  • Incorporating key metrics & measurements for assessing risk.
  • Developing management & client presentation templates.

Presenter: Barry Brager

Barry Brager is the founder and Managing Partner of Perception Partners, a global intellectual property (IP) research, transactions and consulting firm. Barry manages operations and is responsible for a global team of technical, business and legal experts that provide decision support products and services to address complex IP issues.

In addition, Barry developed and optimized automated tools for data and text mining of patents that have been used to analyze more than 200,000 patents worldwide and which have supported decisions related to more than $1 billion in financial transactions.

A licensed inventor, Barry is active in the IP industry as the chair of the Small Business Committee of the Intellectual Property Owners Association and will co-chair the Licensing Executives Society Annual Meeting in 2008. He is also a member of the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals and the Patent Information Users Group. In these organizations and others, Barry is a frequent speaker on patent intelligence and IP strategy.

Barry graduated in 1992 from Temple University, and in 2003 completed Emory University's top 10 globally-ranked Executive MBA program.

TEMIS: "Luxid®: Applying Text Analytics to the Patent Literature to Gain Competitive Insight"

Wednesday, October 10, 2007; 9:00am - noon

Presenter: Charles Huot, COO, TEMIS

Registration: email message to news @ with subject line: TEMIS workshop - PIUG NE

Prior art analysis has become increasingly difficult in all industries, due to the number and the complexity of documents to analyze. Additionally, monitoring the competition R&D efforts is getting tougher and more resistant to manual analysis.

Efficient patent analysis is needed to support the execution of a successful IP strategy. In this workshop, we will illustrate some real-life examples of in-depth patent analyses leveraging Text Analytics technology. We will demonstrate how Luxid®, TEMIS next-generation information intelligence solution, is able to federate diverse patent sources in a central repository, to automatically normalize key metadata (assignees, patent series, IPC classes) and to extract relevant entities (genes, diseases, chemical compounds, molecular targets).

You will learn:

  • How to reduce infringement risks with a more reliable freedom-to-operate assessment of available compounds, thanks to a comprehensive and deep analysis of large and complex patent sets (cross tabs analysis, knowledge browsing, similarity search)
  • How to gain competitive edge through accurate monitoring of your competitors' patent activity with patent-specific information highlighting and browsing through chemical compounds, targets, diseases ...
  • Boost your patent search capability by leveraging the chemical structure integrated sketcher to retrieve documents containing compounds with similar structure/sub-structure.

What's New From Thomson Scientific for Patent Searchers

Wednesday, October 10, 2007; 8:30am - 12:00pm and 1:00pm - 4:30pm

Registration information and detailed schedule are at

Searching the Newly-Reloaded Inpadoc on Dialog

Wednesday, October 10, 2007; 8:50am - 9:35am and 1:20pm - 2:05pm

Presenter: Ron Kaminecki, Director, IP Market, Thomson Scientific Corporate Markets

This session will cover the new enhancements to the Inpadoc database on Dialog, including the addition of original abstracts, new coding, additional country and date coverage and family information. Coverage will include strategies to take advantage of the new data plus detail on output options and ways of saving money. Knowledge of Dialog searching is helpful but not required and there will be time for questions and follow ups.

Data Analysis and Visualization: Some case studies

Wednesday, October 10, 2007; 9:35am - 10:20am and 3:45pm - 4:30pm

Presenter: Don Walter, Ph.D., Training Executive, Pharma Chem Markets

Collecting, sorting and analyzing information from the technical and patent literatures to give an unbiased understanding of the scientific and competitive landscapes can be difficult. Each step involves choosing techniques which may skew the answers. Often one approach leads to hypotheses which must be tested with other approaches. In this presentation, we will compare and contrast different approaches to understanding the literature and competitive intelligence on a given question. For example, we will see whether, the patent and technical literatures lead to the same picture of the state of the art; illustrate the use of perhaps little known tools in common applications, as well as some specialized tools; and more.

Patents on Thomson Pharma

Wednesday, October 10, 2007; 10:35am - 11:20pm and 3:05pm - 3:45pm

Presenter: Don Walter, Ph.D.,Training Executive, Pharma Chem Markets

Patent information in Thomson Pharma comes from many different sources, some familiar and some which may be new to patent searchers. We will summarize and compare the different sources of patent information, and their contexts, in order to learn how to get the most out of them.

DWPI Process Flow

Wednesday, October 10, 2007; 11:20am - 12:00pm and 2:05pm - 2:50pm

Presenter: Bob Stembridge, Manager, Customer Relations

Derwent World Patents Index (DWPISM) is the most comprehensive database of value-added patent documents published in the world. 1.5 million patent documents are added into the database each year from 41 patent-issuing authorities. As of June 2007, the database contains 15.5 million records covering 33.07 million patent documents. Teams of specialist editors assess, classify and index these documents to provide concise English language abstracts, which are readily searched and easily understood.

In this session, the process flow to produce a DWPI record will be explained including how the information in original patent documents is collated, corrected, grouped into patent families based on convention and non-convention equivalents, abstracts prepared and deep-indexing applied together with quality control checkpoints to assure the high value and quality of the DWPI record.


Ron Kaminecki rejoined Dialog in 1999 after almost three years at a major pharmaceutical company. Prior to this, Ron held various jobs at Dialog for over nineteen years, including Regional Manager and Senior Staff Advisor. He got his start in searching technical information via manual, online and batch systems at the IIT Research Institute as an Associate Information Specialist. His current responsibilities at Thomson Scientific include working with various intellectual property groups to help develop new solutions for searching, to collect information from these groups, and to disseminate this knowledge.

Bob Stembridge is Customer Relations Manager for Thomson Scientific with responsibility for liaising with patent information user groups. He has worked in patents information for more than 25 years and has written and presented many articles on patent industry topics in that time.

Don Walter joined Thomson in 1992, where his primary job is to train users on the Derwent World Patents Index. He also conducts searches and analyses for legal and industrial clients of the Thomson Scientific Search Service, specializing in pharmaceuticals and chemistry. He learned his craft at Exxon Research and Engineering, conducting patent and scientific literature searching for clients in the legal and technical departments. His Ph.D. from Yale is in Chemistry.

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PIUG - Patent Information User Group, Inc.

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Newark, DE  19711

Phone: +1 (302) 660-3275   
Fax: +1 (302) 660-3276


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