PIUG 2013 Northeast Conference
Monday, September 30 to Wednesday, October 2, 2013
The Heldrich Hotel
10 Livingston Avenue
New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA 08901
Main Hotel Phone: +1 (732) 729-4670
Reservations: +1 866-609-4700
All workshops are held at the Heldrich Hotel.
Monday, September 30, 2013
9:00am - 4:00pm
STN Patent Forum
Free but required
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Information for Workshop Hosts
Organizations who want to host workshops should complete the Word documents for the "2013 Workshop/Exhibitor Agreement." Each provides critical information and a form to be returned to Shelley Pavlek.
Contact Shelley Pavlek (shelley.pavlek @ bms.com) of PIUG with questions concerning workshops at the PIUG 2013 Northeast Conference.
Workshops – Detailed Information
(Questel) Orbit.com: New Features and Analysis Capabilities 
Melissa Burt, Account Executive
Christophe Marchisio, Account Executive |
Johnson Room
Please register |
This workshop will take a detailed look at the customization options in Orbit’s IP Business Intelligence analysis tool. You will learn about how to:
- Analyze with user-defined fields
- Control and clean the data
- Utilize command line to enhance analysis
- Custom build graph templates
- Share analysis projects and establish workflows
- Visually drill down and pinpoint important data
We will also review recent usability and content updates to Orbit.com, specifically in the Workfiles and XPert Search Module
STN Patent Forum 
Additional agenda details are available at the registration site.
- What's New?
- Putting CPC at Your Fingertips: Comprehensive Patent Office Classification Searching on STN
- Lunch
- 10 STN Tips Every Patent Searcher Should Know
- Advanced Techniques for Statistical Analyses in INPADOC on STN
- STN Current Awareness Update
Minesoft Workshop: "PatBase: Legal Status enhancements, a new Chinese interface and other developments" 
Legal Status data and functionality has been a key focus for PatBase in 2013, and this Workshop will demonstrate the latest major enhancements introduced to ensure easily accessible and interpretable legal status data – including the new Legal status timeline. We will also outline significant developments in the area of Asian patent information, as well as a give a sneak preview of enhancements planned for Fall.
As PatBase celebrates it’s official 10th Anniversary Year from October - and with a brand new Statistical Analysis module to be launched - join us for this Workshop to make sure you don’t miss out!
Thomson Reuters Workshop: "Thomson Innovation and Markush: Enhanced Sources & Insight 2013" 
Thomson Reuters Intellectual Property (IP) Solutions are used by customers worldwide throughout the IP lifecycle. Thomson Reuters solutions ensure the most thorough research, and help you discover key trends, keep abreast of technological and competitive developments and deliver the business critical intelligence, vital to your organization's success.
In this workshop we will be providing some
tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the latest enhancements
, and you will learn further about:
- New patent coverage and content including full-text Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia content, as well as enhanced Japanese and Chinese coverage on Thomson Innovation.
- Derwent World Patents Index® is 50 this yearundefinedbut who’s counting? We are. Join us in celebrating 50 years as the world’s most trusted source of patent information and learn what is new including the addition of the Derwent Patents Citation Index to Thomson Innovation.
- Markush searching in a cloud environment through our partnership with ChemAxon.
- Enhanced Polymer Indexing turns 20 and we will review how you can leverage it to improve the comprehensiveness and precision of your searches.
INTELLIXIR V9: New features and case studies 
INTELLIXIR is a 10 year-old company that provides a secure and hosted web application to analyze and visualize your patent and non-patent literature exported from in-house and commercial sources.
The statistical analyses generated with INTELLIXIR are graphically represented on dynamic and interactive web pages.
Come to learn how INTELLIXIR system can help your organization to map your competitive environment, identify new partners, and detect emerging trends.
ProQuest Workshop: "Why Patent Researchers Are Going to Love ProQuest Dialog™… tales from a long time Dialog insider." 
Who Should Attend
: Any patent researcher who wants to have access to the largest collection of patent and non-patent literature in a single user experience. Whether you are or were a long time Dialog user or not, this session will introduce you to the most comprehensive research solution for patent researchers in the market today.
: Hear the story of how an expert Classic Dialog searcher was able to say goodbye to his beloved Classic Dialog and embrace the power and flexibility of ProQuest Dialog – the largest collection of patent and non-patent literature created for researchers of all skills levels. Now, he’s helping research professionals around the globe discover the benefits of ProQuest Dialog too! You will be regaled with stories of…
- How the largest collection of patent and non-patent literature, in a single interface, supports prior art, freedom to operate, and competitive intelligence research, while also providing a global view of patent protection with three patent families and legal status covering nearly 100 global authorities
- The speed and precision of search tools, including four search experiences (command line search, advanced search, basic search, and a quick look up search) enhanced with set based searching, thesauri navigation tools, and search operators like LNK that links descriptor terms to subheadings or kind codes to patent publication dates and more
- Having access to millions of full text documents, including dissertations and theses, patents from nearly 100 global authorities, scientific journals, trade journals, and global news sources
- How venerable and industry-defining features from Dialog, such as Expand, DialIndex, Post-Processing/Export, Truncation, Rank, Saved Searches, and Alerting have all been improved and made accessible to researchers of all skill levels
- A flexible pricing model that is easy to understand, where search is always free regardless of whether you have a “pay as you go” account as a solo researcher or part of an enterprise wide subscription package