Title: Get the Best Out Of Derwent Markush Resource (DWPIM) on STNext®
Abstract: In the upcoming e-Seminar we will address important key aspects and characteristics of DWPIM on STNext, including matching, bond values and XX in rings. Recent developments, best practice and potential pitfalls will be also discussed. This session targets experienced Markush searchers already using DWPIM or starting to use it.
Date: January 30, 2020
3:00 pm Europe Standard Time (Berlin, GMT+02.00)
2:00 pm GMT Standard Time (London, GMT+01:00)
9:00 am Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
8:00 am Central Standard Time (Chicago, GMT-05:00)
7:30 pm India Time (Mumbai, GMT+05:30)
Date: January 31, 2020
8:00 pm Europe Standard Time (Berlin, GMT+02.00)
7:00 pm GMT Standard Time (London, GMT+01:00)
2:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
1:00 pm Central Standard Time (Chicago, GMT-05:00)
11:00 am Pacific Standard Time (San Francisco, GMT-07:00)
11:30 pm India Time (Mumbai, GMT+05:30)
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Best regards,