Thanks ISBQPIP* for developing and publishing questions and sample answers 2021 QPIP Exam (25 docs + 3 docs from a mock exam). These questions relates to prior art search ("Opposition/Validity/Novelty Search"), FTO ("Patent Infringement Risk Search") (separately for Engineering, Chemistry and Biotech-Life Sciences fields); relevance analysis of search results ("Categorisation Analysis"); patent landscape analysis and questions on theory of patent information and searching, etc.
Even for those who do not plan to take a QPIP exam, or who get QPIP for granted, it might be of interest to test own knowledge by high QPIP standards and find an opportunity to hone patent search & analysis skills. There is also an impressive Suggested Reading List of 53 items (mostly from World Patent Information), many of which authored by PIUG members and have become classic publications in patent information.
I hope that ISBQPIP outstanding work would be a good motivation to members of patent information profession to take a challenge to pass QPIP exam.
*International Standards Board for Qualified Patent Information Professionals.