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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.

The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.  The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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For Commercial Providers Contacts Only

Company Description
Bodkin IP, LLC is a patent research consulting firm that partners with attorneys, corporate officers, surgeons, start-ups and inventors to strengthen patents and support the evolution of product design.
We offer a comprehensive level of services in medtech and the mechanical arts:
• Patentability
• Infringement (Freedom to Operate)
• Validity
• State of the Art
• Collection
• Novelty
• Patent landscapes
• Patent monitoring
• Third Party Submissions
We use proven patent searching techniques and tools to find the best references, and we are committed to the highest standards. Our specially designed methodologies increase the likelihood of finding the best references first, cutting down on search time and staying within your budget. We partner with our clients and key stakeholders in the process to create a customized experience usually found only in in-house teams.
  • Consulting Services

In this Section:

PIUG - Patent Information User Group, Inc.

Mailing Address:  
40 E. Main St., #1438
Newark, DE  19711

Phone: +1 (302) 660-3275   
Fax: +1 (302) 660-3276


Notice on use of PIUG name and logo:  

No one may use the PIUG name or logo for any promotional or commercial purpose or any other purpose without the prior written consent of the PIUG Board of Directors.  

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